Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Just a few hours left until we say goodbye to 2008 and we ring in 2009. Anyone have any big plans?

How about New Years Resolutions???

I typically don't make resolutions. New Years Resolutions fall flat by mid-January anyways, but this year I'm going to try again. I'm not going to make the typical lose weight, quit smoking, blah blah blah, resolutions.

I know I want to blog more. As you can tell, I have neglected blogging for a while. I'm not sure anyone will even read this. I've been in a funk lately, then the holidays came on so quickly and I was busy. I know, just excuses. But, I'm back, and I'm blogging now, and I intend on blogging more often!

I want to make some changes in my life. I'm not sure what they are, but I know I need to do something different. Might be something small, might be something big, I'm not sure yet. I just know something isn't right because things are as they should be. So, things need to change. When I figure it all out, I will let you know. Vague resolution, but it is a start. For those that know me well, they know something has been amiss for a while, I'm trying to figure it all out guys!

I want to train the muttniks better. Heater has regressed a bit on the separation anxiety. Probably with all the holidays and I'm home a bit more, so that need some more work. And all dogs just need more training.

That's it! What are your resolutions for 2009?

Gemini says have a Happy New Year and here's to a short recovery from all the drinking!